You read: penjelasan lengkap correlative conjunctions
Good morning class!!!
Do you remember our last topic? Yes, it’s about Coordinating Conjunctions. Masih berhubungan dengan topik sebelumnya, kali ini kita akan bahas mengenai Penjelasan Lengkap Correlative Conjunctions.
“Apa pengertian correlative conjunctions?”, “Apa saja yang termasuk correlative conjunctions?”, lalu “Apa fungsi correlative conjunctions?”, serta “Bagaimana penggunaan correlative conjunctions dalam kalimat? Come on! Let’s answer those questions.
Penjelasan Lengkap Correlative Conjunctions
According to Gucker (1966: 73), Correlative conjunctions are the coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or and nor) used with both, not only, either, and neither. Correlatives are always used in pairs.
Correlative conjunctions adalah conjunctions (and, but, or dan nor) yang selalu digunakan berpasangan dengan both, not only, either, dan neither. Correlative conjunctions tersebut diantaranya:
- both … and …
- not only … but also …
- either … or …
- neither … nor …
1. Perhatikan kelas tata bahasa (grammatical class)
Sama seperti coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions menghubungkan kelas dalam tata bahasa yang sama, yakni menghubungkan kata benda dengan kata benda (nouns with nouns), kata kerja dengan kata kerja (verb with verb), dll.
Berikut adalah contoh kalimat yang menggunakan correlative conjunctions:
- Both Mario and Junio join English Community. (menghubungkan nouns)
- Renata is not only smart but also beautiful. (menghubungkan adjectives)
- My sister speaks either loudly or quietly. (menghubungkan adverbs)
- William neither studies nor reads book. (menghubungkan verbs)
2. Perhatikan kesesuaian Subjek dan Kata kerja (Subject-Verb Agreement)
Ada aturan untuk menentukan verb (kata kerja) dalam menggunakan correlative conjunctions. Berikut adalah aturannya:
• Both (Subject 1) and (Subject 2) + Verb Plural (kata kerja jamak).
→ Both Rudi and Matien play guitar.
• Not only (Subject 1) but also (Subject 2) + Verb Subject 2.
→ Not only the teacher but also the students go to museum.
• Either (Subject 1) or (Subject 2) + Verb Subject 2.
→ Either the child or the parents enjoy watching movies.
• Neither (Subject 1) nor (Subject 2) + Verb Subject 2.
→ Neither the parents nor the child enjoys watching movies.
correlative conjunction
3. Perhatikan pembalikan (inversion)
Pola pembalikan (inversion) umumnya berlaku pada not only… but also apabila not only diikuti oleh subject dan verb. Berikut adalah polanya:
• Not only + Auxiliary + Subject + ordinary + but also + Subject + Verb
→ Not only did he visit me, but he also gave me chocolate.
• Not only + Auxiliary + Subject + ordinary + but also + Subject + Verb
→ Not only will she go to market, but she also will go to the bookstore.
Okay, class. Bagaimana materinya? Nah, itu semua materi mengenai Penjelasan Lengkap Correlative Conjunctions meliputi pengertian dan penggunaan correlative conjunctions dalam kalimat. Sekarang sudah tahu kan pengertian dan penggunaannya? Terus belajar dan berlatih ya. Semoga materi ini dapat menambah pengetahuan kita semua.
Baca juga: Penggunaan Coordinating Conjunctions, Penggunaan So, Too, Neither dan Either, Idiom Bahasa Inggris
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Penjelasan Lengkap Correlative Conjunctions
- Gucker, Philips. (1966). Essential English Grammar. Dover Publications, Inc: New York.
- Wishon, George E and Julia M. Burks. 1980. Let’s Write English Revised Edition. Litton Educational Publishing, Inc: New York.
- Correlative Conjunctions. Accessed on February 21, 2016 at 1. 25 pm.
Any Questions???
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