Cara memperkenalkan diri dalam Bahasa Inggris
Hello friends, how are you?
Kali ini kita akan bahas mengenai cara memperkenalkan diri dalam Bahasa Inggris baik di depan kelas maupun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Sebelum pada tahap memperkenalkan diri, sebaiknya kita mengucapkan salam pembuka (greetings).
Berikut adalah ungkapan salam pembuka (greetings) dalam Bahasa Inggris:
Greetings | Responses |
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. | Waalaikumsalam, Wr. Wb. |
Good morning. | Good morning. |
Good afternoon. | Good afternoon. |
Good evening. | Good evening. |
Hello/Hi. | Hello/Hi. |
Glad to see you. | Glad to see you too. |
It’s nice to meet you. | Nice to meet you too. |
How are you? | Pretty good, thanks. |
Oh, it’s been a long time. | Yeah, so long. |
How do you do? | How do you do? |
How are you doing? | Good/not bad/pretty good/as usual. |
How have you been? | Great/could be better/not bad. I’ve been busy working. I’ve been travelling. |
Selanjutnya adalah cara memperkenalkan diri dalam Bahasa Inggris. Yuk kita lihat bagaimana cara memperkenalkan diri dalam Bahasa Inggris!
Cara Memperkenalkan diri dalam Bahasa Inggris
Introducing | Responses |
Excuse me, my name is … | Pleased to meet you. |
How do you do? My name is … | How do you do? |
My name is … | Nice to meet you. |
Excuse me, I’m … | I’ve been waiting to meet you. |
Hello! My name is … | Hello! Glad to see you. |
May I introduce myself. My name is … | I’m delighted to meet you. |
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is … | I’m pleased to meet you. |
I would like to introduce myself. My name is … | I’m glad to meet you. |
Contoh Perkenalan Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris
Mari kita lihat beberapa contoh memperkenalkan diri dalam Bahasa Inggris:
Contoh 1: memperkenalkan diri dengan teman
- Toni: Hello! my name’s Toni. Nice to meet you.
- Nana: Hello, Toni. I’m Nana. Nice to meet you too.
- Toni: Where do you live?
- Nana: I live in Soedirman Street 131, near to “ABC” book store.
- Toni: Oh that book store! I’ve been there twice.
- Nana: Oh really? Next time if you go to that book store, please stop by my home.
- Toni: Okay. Thanks.
Contoh 2: memperkenalkan diri di depan kelas
- Assalamualaikum Wr, Wb.
- Good morning, friends! I’m delighted to meet you all.
- It’s the first time for me to be here, so allow me to introduce myself.
- My name is Malika but everyone calls me Lika.
- I am 16 years old, born on 22nd of May, 2004.
- I’m from Jakarta however I’m currently living in Bandung at Juanda Street 131.
- My hobby is reading fiction books, for example Harry Potter, The Lord of The Rings and many more.
- I love cooking too. Spicy food is my favorite. I’m used to cooking with my mom on the weekend, after that I usually play badminton with my sister.
- I can’t wait to get to know each other and I hope I can be your best friend. Thank you.
Selain kedua contoh diatas, tidak jarang kita juga memperkenalkan seseorang (baik itu teman atau saudara kita) kepada orang lain.
Lalu bagaimana cara kita untuk memperkenalkan orang lain? Yuk langsung kita lihat!
Cara Memperkenalkan Orang Lain dalam Bahasa Inggris
Introducing others | Memperkenalkan orang lain |
Hi Evan, this is … | Hai Evan, ini … (menunjukan seseorang) |
Allow me to introduce you to … | Ijinkan saya memperkenalkan kamu kepada … |
Let me introduce you to … | Ijinkan saya memperkenalkanmu pada … |
I’d like you to meet … | Saya ingin kamu bertemu … |
Contoh Memperkenalkan Orang Lain dalam Bahasa Inggris
Contoh 1: Lina memperkenalkan Farah kepada Laras yang bertemu di stasiun ketera api
- Lina: Hi Laras, how are you?
- Laras: Hi Lina. I’m good. How about you? It’s been a long time since we graduated from school.
- Lina: I’m pretty good, thanks. Yeah, it’s been so long. Where are you going?
- Laras: Oh, I’m going to Jakarta, and you?
- Lina: I’m going to Bogor with my friend, Farah. Farah, this is Laras.
- Farah: Hi Laras, nice to meet you.
- Laras: Hi Farah, Nice to meet you too.
- Lina: Okay Laras, have a safe trip! Our train is coming. See you later!
- Laras: You too, thanks. See you later!
Well, itulah bahasan kita kali ini mengenai cara memperkenalkan diri dan orang lain dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Semoga bermanfaat dan jangan lupa share sebanyak-banyaknya ya!
Baca juga: percakapan Bahasa Inggris
Reference: how have you been

Hello my name is Efin Marifatika. I’m founder of Please feel free to contact me at