Good morning class!!!
Hello friends, how are you? What is our previous topic? Last topic we learnt Penjelasan Lengkap gerund. Sekarang mari kita lanjutkan topik lainnya. Kali ini kita akan bahas mengenai Penggunaan SO, TOO, NEITHER dan EITHER.
“Bagaimana penggunaan so, too, neither dan either?” “Adakah perbedaan diantara keempatnya?” “Bagaimana penggunaan so, too, neither dan either dalam kalimat?” Let’s discuss those questions!
Penggunaan So, Too, Neither dan Either
So, Too, Neither dan Either digunakan untuk menyatakan setuju atau kesamaan pendapat dengan orang lain. Adapun perbedaannya adalah:
- So dan Too digunakan dalam kalimat positif.
- Neither dan Either digunakan dalam kalimat negatif.
Pola Penggunaan So, Too, Neither dan Either
Pola | Contoh | |
So | So + Auxiliary + Subject (Pronoun) | So do I. |
Too | Subject (pronoun) + Auxiliary + Too | I do too. |
Neither | Neither + Auxiliary + Subject (Pronoun) | Neither do I. |
Either | Subject (pronoun) + Auxiliary + NOT+ Either | I don't either. |
Auxiliary diantaranya: is, am, are, was, were, do, does, did, has, have, will, can, etc.
Contoh dalam kalimat:
- So: I like orange juice. So do I.
- Too: I need Math book. I do too.
- Neither: I don’t like coffee. Neither do I.
- Either: I don’t need Math book. I don’t either.
Penggunaan So, Too, Either dan Neither dalam Kalimat
- Kalimat positif (menggunakan So atau Too)
Auxuliary | Orang pertama | Orang kedua |
is/am/are | Heni is at school. | So am I. |
I am tired. | I am too. | |
do/does | Rani likes tea. | So does Rudi. |
I want to go to Bali. | I do too. | |
did | I wrote some essays last night. | So did I. |
She went to Yogyakarta last month. | I did too. | |
was/were | Cindy was at post office. | So was Nuri. |
You were at library. | They were too. | |
has/have | Meli has been in Jakarta since two years ago. | So has my brother. |
They have visited Bandung Zoo. | We have too. | |
will | I will go to USA next month. | So will I. |
can/could, must, should, etc. | She can do it. | I can too. |
- Kalimat negatif (menggunakan neither atau either)
Auxuliary | Orang pertama | Orang kedua |
is/am/are | Heni is not at school. | Neither am I. |
I am not tired. | I am not either. | |
do/does | Rani doesn't like tea. | Neither does Rudi. |
I don't want to go to Bali. | I don't either. | |
did | I didn't write essay last night. | Neither did I. |
She didn't go to Yogyakarta last month. | I didn't either. | |
was/were | Cindy wasn't at post office. | Neither was Nuri. |
You weren't at library. | They weren't either. | |
has/have | Meli hasn't been here since two years ago. | Neither has my brother. |
They haven't visited Bandung Zoo. | We haven't either. | |
will | I won't go to USA next month. | Neither will I. |
can/could, must, should, etc. | She can't do it. | I can't either. |
→Coba Latihan Soal So, To, Neither dan Either!
Okay, class. Bagaimana materinya? Nah, itu semua materi yang berkaitan dengan Penggunaan So, Too, Neither dan Either meliputi pola dan penggunaan so, too, neither dan either dalam kalimat. Sekarang sudah tahu kan pola dan penggunaannya? Terus belajar dan berlatih ya. Semoga materi ini dapat menambah pengetahuan kita semua. →Coba Latihan Soal So, To, Neither dan Either!
Baca juga: Idiom Bahasa Inggris, Bahasan Lengkap Gerund, Daftar Lengkap Irregular Verb
Mau tau kemampuan Bahasa Inggrismu??? Cek Bahasa Inggrismu DISINI
- So, Too, Neither, and Either. Accessed on February 17, 2016 at 1 pm.
Any Question???
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