You’re reading: Penggunaan dan Contoh Kalimat Each Other dan One Another
Good morning, class!!!
Hello friends, how do you do? Last topic we learned Pengertian dan Contoh Countable dan Uncountable Nouns. Now we are going to discuss Penggunaan dan Contoh Kalimat Each Other dan One Another.
“Have you ever heard both of them?” “Apa itu each other dan one another?” dan “Bagaimana pula penggunaan each other dan one another dalam kalimat?”
Each other dan One another adalah Reciprocal Pronouns.
Menurut Gucker (1966: 55), dijelaskan bahwa “two compound expressions, each other and one another, are called reciprocal pronouns, since they express a relationship back and forth.”
Reciprocal Pronouns (each other dan one another) digunakan untuk menyatakan hubungan timbal balik atau saling berbalas. Bagaimanakah penggunaannya?…
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