You’re reading: recount text: pengertian, ciri, struktur, contoh
Pengertian Recount Text
Recount adalah teks yang menceritakan mengenai pengalaman atau kejadian yang dialami seseorang di masa lalu. Kejadian tersebut diceritakan secara berurutan atau secara kronologis.
Bagaimana dengan social function dan generic structure dari text ini? Mari kia lihat penjelasan lengkapnya dibawah ini!
Good morning class!!!
Kali ini kita akan bahas mengenai recount text. Mungkin teman-teman merasa tidak asing ketika mendengar jenis teks ini.
Namun, apakah teman-teman sudah mengetahui tentang tujuan dan struktur penulisan teks ini?
Mari kita lihat penjelasan lengkapnya!
Seperti yang telah disebutkan diatas, recount adalah teks yang menceritakan tentang pengalaman atau kejadian di masa lalu.
Karakteristik Recount text
Karakteristik dari recount text meliputi:
- Social function/purpose of the text (tujuan komunikatif dari teks ini)
- Generic structure (struktur penulisan teks)
- Language features (ciri kebahasaan dari teks ini)
Social function/purpose of the text
Social function/purpose of the text is to tell the readers what happened in the past through a sequence of events.
Tujuan komunikatif dari teks recount adalah untuk menceritakan kepada pembaca kejadian atau pengalaman yang terjadi di masa lali secara kronologis atau sesuai urutan kejadian.
Generic structure (Struktur) Recount Text
Struktur penulisan (generic structure) dari recount text adalah:
- Orientation: mengenalkan tokoh, waktu atau tempat.
- Events: berbagai kejadian yang diceritakan secara berurutan (sesuai kronologis).
- Re-orientation: akhir dari sebuah cerita, bisa berupa kesan atau komentar penulis terhadap cerita tersebut.
Language features (ciri-ciri kebahasaan) Recount Text
Ciri-ciri dari recount text adalah:
- Past tense, menggunakan kata kerja bentuk lampau seperti we went, I saw, we visited, dsb.
- Action verbs, yakni menggunakan kata kerja aksi/tindakan, contohnya run, talked, reached, swam, dsb.
- Adverbs, yakni menggunakan kata keterangan, contohnya last summer, yesterday, happily, beautifully, dsb.
- Adjectives, yakni menggunakan kata sifat, seperti huge, great, bad, expensive, cheap, dsb.
- Conjunctions dan chronological connectors, yankni menggunakan kata hubung seperti then, before, and, after, dsb.
Contoh Recount Text
Berikut adalah contoh teks recount:
The Most Important Thing Jane thought she had already prepared everything for her dinner party last night. She had sent invitations to her boss and all the people at the office. She looked through several cookbooks and found some very interesting recipes. She had even gone all the way downtown to buy fruit, vegetables, and cheese, which she needed for her dinner. However, as soon as Jane’s doorbell rang and her guests arrived, she realized that she had forgotten to turn the oven on. Jane felt foolish. She couldn’t believe what she had done. She thought he had all prepared for her dinner party, but she had forgotten to do the most important thing. Adopted from Side by Side International Version: Third Edition, 2003 |
Generic structure (struktur) dari teks diatas:
Orientation | Jane thought she had already prepared everything for her dinner party last night. |
Events | She had sent invitations to her boss and all the people at the office. She looked through several cookbooks and found some very interesting recipes. She had even gone all the way downtown to buy fruit, vegetables, and cheese, which she needed for her dinner. However, as soon as Jane’s doorbell rang and her guests arrived, she realized that she had forgotten to turn the oven on. |
Re-orientation | Jane felt foolish. She couldn’t believe what she had done. She thought he had all prepared for her dinner party, but she had forgotten to do the most important thing. |
Okay, class. Bagaimana materinya? Nah, itu semua materi yang berkaitan dengan recount text meliputi pengertian, ciri, struktur dan contoh recount text.
Sekarang sudah tahu kan mengenai teks ini? Terus belajar dan berlatih ya. Semoga materi ini dapat menambah pengetahuan kita semua.
Baca juga materi menarik lainnya:
- Contoh Lengkap Short Functional text
- Penggunaan Each Other & One Another
- Penggunaan preposition of place
- Membuat dan menjawab pertanyaan 5W 1H dalam Bahasa Inggris
- Membuat dan menjawab pertanyaan ‘yes-no questions’
Mau tau kemampuan Bahasa Inggrismu??? Cek Bahasa Inggrismu DISINI
- Molinsky, Steven J. and Bill Bliss. 2003. Side by Side International Version 3: Third Edition. Pearson Education: New York.
- Soars, John, Liz and Amanda Maris. 2003. New Headway Intermediate Student’s Book (New Edition). Oxford University Press: New York.
Any Questions???
Silahkan ajukan pertanyaan, komentar dan tanggapan teman-teman pada kolom komentar dibawah ini.
Silahkan share materi tersebut agar semua orang dapat terus belajar dan berbagi pengetahuan tentang Bahasa Inggris. Terimakasih.
Recount Text: Pengertian, Ciri, Struktur, Contoh

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