You’re reading: Procedure Text: Pengertian, Struktur, Contoh
Pengertian Procedure Text
Procedure text adalah jenis teks yang menjelaskan langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan dalam melakukan atau membuat sesuatu.

Kita bisa temukan jenis teks ini diantaranya dalam:
- resep makanan/minuman,
- membuat suatu prakarya/kerajinan tangan,
- bahkan cara untuk membuat akun youtube, dsb.
Bagaimana dengan tujuan/fungsi, struktur, ciri dan contoh dari procedure text? Yuk kita lihat penjelasan lengkapnya dibawah ini!
Tujuan Procedure Text (Social Function/Purpose)
Social function/purpose of the procedure text is to describe how something is completely done/made through a sequence of series.
Tujuan dari procedure text adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan atau dibuat melalui serangkaian langkah atau tahapan.
Struktur Procedure Text (Generic Structure)
Struktur (generic structure) dari procedure text, terdiri dari:
- Goal/Aim: berisi tujuan
- Materials: bahan-bahan dan alat yang dibutuhkan
- Steps: langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan
Ciri Kebahasaan Procedure Text (Language Features)
Ciri kebahsaan (language features) dari procedure text, antara lain:
- Simple present tense; kata kerja bentuk present (Contoh: Let’s follow these instructions.)
- Temporal conjunction/adverb of sequence: kata hubung/kata keterangan waktu. (Contoh: First, second, third, then, next, finally, dll)
- Imperative sentence: kalimat perintah. (Contoh: Add two spoons of sugar, boil the water, dll.)
- Action verb: kata kerja aktif. (Contoh: pour, mix, add, use, stick, dll)
Contoh Procedure Text (Example)
Berikut adalah contoh procedure text:
How to Make Fruit Salad

- 3 tablespoons (45 g) of cream cheese, softened - 1/4 cup (70 g) of plain yogurt - 1/4 cup (58 g) of mayonnaise - 1/4 cup (25 g) of granulated sugar - 4 sweet apples - 1 cup (150 g) of green grapes - 1 cup (150 g) of red grapes - 1 8-ounce (227 g) can of pineapple tidbits or chunks, drained - 1 11-ounce (300 g) can of mandarin oranges, drained (Makes about 8 servings) |
Steps: 1. Beat the cream cheese, yogurt, mayonnaise, and sugar. Put 3 tablespoons (45 g) of cream cheese into the serving bowl and add 1/4 cup (70 g) of plain yogurt, 1/4 cup (58 g) of mayonnaise, and 1/4 cup (25 g) of granulated sugar. Beat the creamy mixture with a wooden spoon or hand mixture until it's completely smooth. 2. Chop the apples and cut the grapes in half. Remove the cores from 4 sweet apples and cut each apple into bite-sized pieces. Put 1 cup (150 g) of red grapes and 1 cup (150 g) of green grapes on the cutting board. Carefully slice each grape in half. 3. Mix the apples, grapes, and pineapple with the creamy mixture. Put the chopped apples and grape halves into the bowl with the creamy mixture. Then add the 8-ounce (227 g) can of drained pineapple. Use a large spoon to stir the fruit salad so the fruit is completely coated. 4. Toss in the mandarin oranges and serve the creamy fruit salad. Drain an 11-ounce (300 g) can of mandarin oranges and add the fruit to the salad. ( |
Baca juga: recount text, descriptive text, narrative text
Okay, class. Bagaimana materinya? Mudah-mudahan diberikan kemudahan dalam memahaminya ya.
Nah, itu semua materi yang berkaitan dengan procedure text meliputi pengertian, fungsi, struktur, ciri dan contoh procedure text.
Sekarang sudah tahu kan mengenai teks ini? Terus belajar dan berlatih ya. Semoga materi ini dapat menambah pengetahuan kita semua. Silahkan share sebanyak-banyaknya.
Baca juga materi menarik lainnya:
- Recount Text
- Narrative Text
- Descriptive Text
- Short Functional text
- preposition of place
- 5W 1H dalam Bahasa Inggris
- Pertanyaan ‘yes-no questions’
Cek Kemmapuan Bahasa Inggrismu DISINI
- Fruit Salad. Accessed on April 27, 2020.
- Knapp, Peter and Megan Watkins. 2005. Genre, Text, Grammar-Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing. New South Wales University Press: New South Wales.
- Molinsky, Steven J. and Bill Bliss. 2003. Side by Side International Version 3: Third Edition. Pearson Education: New York.
- Soars, John, Liz and Amanda Maris. 2003. New Headway Intermediate Student’s Book (New Edition). Oxford University Press: New York.

Hello my name is Efin Marifatika. I’m founder of Please feel free to contact me at