Beberapa contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris Asking for Time (bertanya waktu), diantaranya:
When Will We Go to the Library? (Kapan kita akan pergi ke perpustakaan?)
William : Hi friends. Do you get the task from Miss Marsha? (Hi teman-teman. Apakah kalian dapat tugas dari Miss Marsha?)
Renata : Yes, I do. (Ya, dapat.)
Shandy : Me too. I don’t know how to find the answer of that task. It’s so difficult. (Saya juga dapat. Saya ga tau gimana caranya dapat jawabannya. Tugasnya itu susah.)
Renata : Why don’t we go to the library? (Kenapa kita ga pergi ke perpustakaan?)
William : That’s good idea. When will we go to the library? (Itu ide bagus. Kapan kita akan pergi ke perpustakaan?)
Shandy : Not now. I have to go for a math course. (Tidak sekarang. Saya harus kursus matematika.)
Renata : How about this afternoon? At 3 p.m.? Library will be opened until 6 p.m. (Bagaimana kalau sore ini? Jam 3? Perpustakaan dibuka sampai jam 6 sore.)
William : Alright. I agree with you. (Baiklah. Saya setuju.)
Shandy : Okay. I will go to library after taking the course. (Ok. Saya akan pergi ke perpustakaan setelah kursus Matematika.)
Renata : Good. See you there, friends. (Bagus. Sampai jumpa disana, teman-teman.)
William : See you. (Sampai jumpa.)
Shandy : See you. (Sampai jumpa.)
Words to know:
task: tugas
difficult: sulit
library: perpustakaan
math course: kursus matematika
agree with you: setuju denganmu.
see you: sampai jumpa
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Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Asking for Time
When Could I Meet the Headmaster? (Kapan saya bisa bertemu kepala sekolah?)
Evelyn : Good morning.
Mr. Diatna : Good morning, Ma’am. What can I do for you?
Evelyn : I would like to meet the headmaster. I got this invitation letter from my daughter that I have to meet him.
Mr. Diatna : We are sorry for that, Ma’am. The headmaster has to go for 2 days.
Evelyn : Alright. So when could I meet him?
Mr. Diatna : Today is Tuesday. You can meet him the day after tomorrow, on Thursday. At 10 a.m.
Evelyn : Thank you for your information.
Mr. Diatna : You are welcome, Ma’am.
Words to know:
headmaster: kepala sekolah
invitation letter: surat undangan
daughter: anak perempuan
Tuesday: Selasa
the day after tomorrow: lusa
Thursday: Kamis
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