Good morning class!!!
How are you, friends? Let’s continue our topic, we will discuss about CONVERSATION GAMBIT beserta contohnya. Apa sih gambit itu? Apa saja conversation gambit itu? Seperti apa contohnya?
Sebelum kita kupas tuntas mengenai semua pertanyaan diatas. Let us know the definition and function of gambit.
According to Keller, Eric and Sylviana T Warner (1988) dalam bukunya Conversation Gambits: Real English Conversation Practices, dijelaskan bahwa “Gambit is a word or phrase which helps us what we are trying to say”. Gambit adalah kata atau frase yang membantu kita untuk mengungkapkan apa yang ingin kita ungkapkan/katakan.
Selain itu, dijelaskan pula fungsi dari gambit yaitu “we use gambits to introduce a topic of conversation, to link what we have to say to what someone has just said, to agree or disagree, to respond to what we have heard”.
Kita menggunakan gambit diantaranya untuk memperkenalkan topik dari sebuah percakapan, untuk menghubungkan apa yang harus kita katakan kepada orang lain, untuk menyetujui atau tidak menyetujui, untuk merespon apa yang telah kita dengar.
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, tentu kita sering menggunakan gambit tersebut. Berikut adalah conversation gambit beserta contohnya yang mengungkapkan:
(Introduction: perkenalan)
(Sympathy: simpati)
(Advice: nasihat)
(Pride: kebanggaan)
(Invitation: undangan)
(Satisfy/dissatisfy: kepuasan/ketidakpuasan)
(Agreement/disagreement: kesetujuan/ketidaksetujuan)
(Asking/offering help: Meminta/menawarkan bantuan)
(Like/dislike: suka/tidak suka)
(Surprised: mengagetkan)
(Refusing request: menolak permintaan)
(Asking for forgiveness: meminta maaf)
(Ability/inability: Kemampuan/ketidakmampuan)
Conversation Gambit beserta Contohnya
Yani : Hello, my name is Yani. I’m new member.
Dino : Hi Yani, I’m Dino. Nice to meet you.
Yani : Nice to meet you too.
Dwi: Good morning, Ian.
Ian: Good morning, Dewi.
DwI: Ian, let me introduce you to my friend. Her name is Novita.
Ian: Hello, I’m Ian. Nice to see you, Novita.
Novita: Hello, nice to see you too.
Budi : Hi, Alan. You look very upset. Is everything alright?
Alan : Well, this week has been so terrible for me.
Budi : Really? I’m sorry to hear that. What actually happened?
Alan : My father passed away two days ago.
Zaenab: Romeo, what happened to your hand?
Romeo: It was badly hurt because of a car accident.
Zaenab: Really? Oh how pity you are. I hope your hand will be better soon.
Romeo: Thanks. I hope so.
Mrs. Tina : Rudi, why do you look so pale?
Rudi : Do I look so pale, No?
Tono : Yes, You do.
Rudi : I got terrible headache, Mom. I was rained when I went to home yesterday.
Mrs. Tina : Why don’t you take a rest at home? I’m afraid, it will be getting worst.
Rudi : Yes mom, I will go home.
Ranti : Mommy, mommy….
Rian : She’s in the kitchen.
Mother : I’m here, darling.
Ranti : Mom, you know what. My teacher told me that I am one of the students who get a scholarship from a national University in Bandung.
Mother : Oh really, that’s excellent. I’m very proud of you.
Ranti : Thanks Mom. I’m so happy.
Robi : Hi, Sandra. There will be a great film tonight.
It’s about Nasreddin. Would you like to go to the movie with me?
Sandra : Of course. I’d love to.
Robi : I’ll pick you up a quarter after I finished playing futsal at 07.30. Be ready.
Sandra : Ok.
Mr. Andi : Good morning, Mrs Mutia. Welcome to Bandung. I’m Andi. I’m your guide in Bandung.
Mrs. Mutia : Good morning, Mr. Andi. Thank you.
Mr. Andi : How was your trip from Semarang to Bandung?
Mrs. Mutia : It was nice. But I had a problem.
Mr. Andi : What happened? Any trouble on the train?
Mrs. Mutia : No. But I was dissatisfied with the service because the departure was not on time.
Mr. Andi : Oh, that’s so unpleasant.
Tomi : Our class is so dirty and trash is everywhere. We won’t feel pleasant when we’re learning.
Rian : Why don’t we sweep the floor and clean the class?
Tomi : Who wouldn’t?
Rian : Ok, let’s do it.
Asking/offering help
Waiter : Good morning. May I help you, ma’am?
Mrs. Ita : Good morning. Sure, I need a dress with a beautiful colour.
Waiter : Over there, ma’am. Let me show you.
Mrs. Ita : I’m interested in the gold one.
Waiter : This one?
Mrs. Ita : Yeah, I’ll buy this one.
Like / Dislike
Dion : I want a glass of coffee. And you?
Tomi : Orange juice, please.
Waiter : Alright, please wait.
Dion : Why don’t you order a glass of coffee? Do you like coffee?
Tomi : I don’t think I like coffee. I think coffee is not good for our health. It’ll be so addicted.
George : Look at this news paper. Breaking Down will be released the end of this month.
Tina : Really? Are you kidding? I’ve been waiting so long for it.
Refusing request
Budi : Mom. I’m thinking of travelling around Java this holiday alone. May I go, Mom?
Mother : Travelling? Alone? That sounds dangerous! You shouldn’t go by yourself. You ought to go with your friend.
Budi : Yes. I will.
Asking for Forgiveness
Mr. Hendi : I’ve read this article. It is Asri’s article, isn’t it?
Antolin : That’s right, Sir. I copied it from Asri’s file. I regret. I do apologize, sir.
Mr. Hendi : Don’t do that again! Ok, I accept your apology, but you have to make 2 articles with different topics. Come to the library to get some references.
Andre : Hello, Fauzi. It’s me, Andre. This is about our appointment.
Fauzi : What’s wrong?
Andre : Mmm… actually, I will attend a meeting this Tuesday but I’m sorry I can’t make it.
Fauzi : Well, that’s ok. We can meet two days later.
Okay, friends. Bagaimana materinya? Mudah dimengerti kan? Nah, itu semua contoh percakapan sehari-hari atau daily conversation gambit beserta contohnya.
Terus belajar dan berlatih ya. Semoga materi conversation gambit beserta contohnya ini dapat menambah pengetahuan kita semua. Let’s practice other conversations, friends!!
Baca juga: Percakapan Bahasa Inggris dalam berbagai situasi
Mau tau kemampuan Bahasa Inggrismu??? Cek Bahasa Inggrismu DISINI
- Keller, Eric and Sylviana T Warner. 1988. Conversation Gambits: Real English Conversation Practices. Language Teaching Publications.
Conversation Gambit beserta Contohnya
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